This is showing how cable has connected and where is the panel/inverter has installed on my roof.
This is an simple electric node diagram,
Pretty complex tree than my expectation,
When I have chance, I should clean-up and optimize the wire routing.
becuase I found so many duplicate path, and far routings.
(1) remove cap from top route (between 12-13)
(2) install cap on end of 07
(3) move jumper wire between bottom and middle route, on top - middle
(4) move JB-middle to JB-bottom
and then, Break #1 route will have 9 inverters (longest 6 node)
and, Breaker #2 route will have 6 inverters,
for this job, jumper cable should enought to jump from mid to top.
little doubt ...
Maybe need
50' Q-cable
2 female connector to make an extension cable
1 terminator
1 cap
1 connector disassembly clip/jig
Actually, the best method is
(1) make an extra route from bottom to JB
(2) update JB
But, need enough wire clips ...... so many....